Stop searching for a website.
Keep searching for ancestors.

Build your website, not a brick wall.

Launched in Spring 2021, Roots & Code is an online service to help genealogical, historical, and family societies build websites that connect with their membership.

Now Available!!

We’ve recently begun launching client sites. In order to provide the best offering possible, we are working directly with clients to setup their sites. We will launch a self-service option in 2022.

Interested in learning more? Please leave your information and we’ll be in touch.

Features designed for Societies

Founded through the actual marriage between an archivist & genealogy librarian and a web designer & developer, our features are designed to allow societies to easily connect with their members.

Give members what they want…

…and Your Society What it Needs.

Who are we?

The team behind Roots & Code has decades of combined experience in web design & development, library & archives management, and direct marketing all with a focus toward creating user-friendly solutions. Talk to us about the specific website problems you need to solve today.

Keep things simple

Spend time with your researchers, not your website.