Custom Records Management
If your society holds records that you share with visitors, whether on public pages or a members-only section, this module helps you get those records online and make them accessible. Share cemetery records, indexes, first families files, ancestor charts, church records, and more. You can load spreadsheets, scanned images, or individual records that helps your members with their research.

Reflecting Unique Record Types
Genealogists need different information from each type of record in your collection. Roots & Code’s platform allows you to customize each record type to reflect the categories you have.
Uploading Records
Roots & Code allows you to upload a large group of records at one time if you have an existing list, spreadsheet, or set of digital images you want to share. You can also create new databases right on the site with individual records entry if you are indexing or acquiring new records.

Browse or Search
Once your records are online, members can browse images or lists, or they can search an individual set of records to see if the exact name they want is listed.
Coming Soon: Cross-record search capability with record-type filtering.